x-ray & charades
Dear Flower Class parents, This morning we saw the big container of newspaper on the table along with the container of glue and knew we would be continuing our mask making for the end of year performance. The ones that our friends made yesterday have dried already and it was the turn of a few more of us to have a try. We came to the table and started by ripping sheets of newspaper into small pieces. Then taking the brush with glue we coated the inside of the mold and started brushing in the newspaper pieces. Once we had done 1 layer we thought it was alright but it turned out we needed lots of layers to make it strong enough. On the same table several of us wanted to make further green leaves for our dark forest display. Alongside the tables we used the computer and graphics tablet to work on the pictures we have been making together. On the carpet area the sight words game was very popular with us this morning and we sat at the table practicing our special reading ‘sight’ words. The art table was again popular this morning with many of us making pictures and artwork for our families. Many of us used the Lego blocks to build spacecraft which we flew around the classroom. Pooja very kindly helped us with our special lines for our surprise graduation performance on the carpet area and we all did very well with this too. After packing away the toys we all sat in our circle and practiced our special songs and the Ohana song with Pauline leading on her Ukulele. After having our yummy snacks we got ready for the park and then came to the carpet area to talk about Earthquakes and fires. We know the drill for both the earthquake and fires very well now and soon found a place under a table or the desk to hide and cover our heads. We moved down the stairs one by one and Darren checked we were all there and the building was empty. The park was nice and warm and we soon needed a drink break. After returning to the classroom we played ‘Charades’ using the job flashcards. We started by showing our friends 1 or 2 fingers to determine how many words in the job name e.g. 1 finger=Doctor, 2 fingers=Construction Worker. We then chose a job and kept the name in our heads. We then acted out the job and our friends tried to guess the names. We tried dentist, race car driver, doctor and police officer today. We then started our weekly ‘phonics’ session and looked at the letter / sound ‘X’. We moved to the tables and practiced writing the x and then traced around our hands and added the bones inside as an x-ray. Some of us added a picture of a ‘fox’ and a ‘box’ too.
Have a great afternoon and we look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.
All our love, Darren, Pooja, Pauline and Ryoan