Our Recycled Ocean

Dear Flower Class parents, This morning we saw the bottle cap recycled ocean picture we started yesterday on the table still. We had done so much work on it yesterday but didn’t finish it unfortunately which made it difficult to move off the table yesterday. Today we finished the big red anchor, added the orange starfish, the green seaweed, the red & silver fish and lastly the pink and orange octopus. We needed to fill in the final ocean using the blue and white caps and it was then all done. When we looked at the picture form the side it looked like a jumble of colors but when the teachers took a photograph we could clearly see the picture and all the ocean creatures. Tomorrow we are going to do another picture and we can decide what we would like to make a picture of. The paper shredder was again popular this morning for recycling paper. It is good practice turning the handle and it makes our arms ache after a little while so we took turns. On the second table the perler beads and pegboards were again popular. Some of us started our pictures today and some of us completed them too. Once all our friends have finished the teachers will get the iron and melt them together so that we can take them home. The rubbish and recycling book was again popular this morning in the library area as well as the dress up materials in the imaginative play area. On the small play table we played ‘bugs dominoes’ with our friends which was lots of fun. After packing away the toys we came to the table and stood around the bottle caps picture. We had finished and we needed to use the table today to have our snack and so it was time to pack them all away. We each had a color to pack away and worked with our friends to sort them all back to the correct pack. In our small circle time we saw that Pooja had a special magic bag with items inside. We put our hands inside to see if we could guess what the things were. We guessed correctly, a camera and a crocodile. After snack we checked the weather and luckily it wasn’t raining but looked very gray and decided to go for a short walk to the fishpond. We were very lucky as we could see lots of goldfish, jumping bugs and also lots and lots of big black tadpoles swimming about. After returning to the classroom we started our weekly Phonics and writing session. Today we were looking at two letters that come at the end of words or in the middle: ‘ng’. We looked at some cards with people doing lots of things such as walking, eating, writing, drinking, playing, digging etc. We then moved to the table to practice writing ‘ng’ in our notebooks and drew some pictures with the words for each underneath. Some of us thought of our own ‘ng’ ending words such as ‘raining’ and ‘swimming’. 

Have a great afternoon and we look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.

All our love, Darren, Pooja, Pauline & Ryoan
