Cutting practice
Hello Buds class! We are very happy to see our teachers and friends once again. Hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. Spending more time with your family is truly a gift every day. As we started our day, we did our jobs and set along with our play time activities further inside our classroom. We took out the Lego construction blocks and some doll house furniture. Some of our friends were also very excited to stay at our kitchen play area and brought out some food toys that we can cook for today.
On our activity tables, we found some stacking blocks and pegs for us to enjoy. We practiced our pinching skills again and tracking skills because these skills are very important to develop our hand and eye coordination. We also had our cutting practice. We love to cut but somehow our teachers need to help us out on how to hold the scissors properly. We always have to remember that our thumb should be pointing up and our index finger pointing straight. We just need to up and close our grip as we cut along the lines on our paper. It was such a fun thing to do because each day we’re learning new skills.
During our circle time, we learned more about the stones. Of course, we touched and felt the texture of the stones that we got from upstairs and then our teachers thought us how to use it as an instrument. We’re quite happy of what type of sound we just made. We can actually make good music with our stones. We sang our favorite songs and tried to play with our new found instrument at the same time.
We also had our gym class today. We did our usual routine, the warm-up exercises and different postures. We also played the game that we always play with Miyashita-sensei. We jumped like a rabbit and a frog and then crawled like a bear. We also did some rolling game on the mat and the ghost game that we had to run to and fro inside the big space. Thank you, Miyashita-sensei for the wonderful workout time with you.
We went to the park today. It was nice to see our friends from other classes again. Some of us stayed in the green area and others played in the sandbox. It was a great time again at the park. Thank you so much Ohana for the fantastic day! See you all again tomorrow! Have a good day!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class 2015-2016