Touring Azabu-juban
Look at one of the shops we saw during out “tour”!
Happy Monday! Another week, another adventure! Today, Pauline told us that we were going to explore Azabu -juban!
But, wait…. She said this when we were having a rest after coming back from our playtime at the temple. Does that mean we’re going out again?
“But, we’re going to tour around Azabu- juban by watching the video, and then we’re going to pretend we’re walking around!” Pauline told us. We excitedly sat down, eager to watch the video.
We reviewed on last week’s lesson on how we can go around the city.
“Steam train, or we can ride in a green taxi or a black taxi,” S said.
“Thomas the Train!” G said.
“My mommy and daddy sometimes take shinkansen,” T said.
Pauline played the video, and it looked like the person taking the video was getting out of the train station. The first shop we saw was a –
“It’s an eating food shop!” S said. He was right- it was a place where people can eat. It’s called a coffee shop! We found a lot of other coffee shops around Azabu- juban.
“My mommy and daddy buy coffee there,” T said.
“You can also eat cookies and cake and sandwich…” S said.
“A coffee!” H said when she saw the Starbucks coffee shop.
We also saw some restaurants like… McDonald’s!
“Soup!” R said when the teachers asked what we can buy from McDonald’s.
We saw a konbini, or a convenience store, and S said that we can buy “Some apple juice and some grape juice and pineapple juice.”
We all excitedly said, “Ice cream!” when we saw an ice cream shop.
“Who likes ice cream?” Pauline asked.
“R!” R said with gusto.
We also saw some traffic lights.
“If the traffic light is red, what do you do?” Pauline asked.
“Stop!” J said, with a matching hand motion.
“If it’s green?”
“GO!” We all replied. After crossing the street, we saw a–
“Toy shop!” T said. There were dinosaurs and dolls and–
“A cow!” G said.
“Who is walking?” R wondered out loud while we were going on the “virtual” tour. Then we saw someone familiar… it looked like–
“John- John!” We chorused.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Pauline asked us. Hmm…
“You’re going home?” S said. We watched the video some more until….
“Oh! It’s going to Ohana!” R said. She’s right! The virtual tour ended with Shelley at Ohana saying “Hi!” and some of us said “Hi!” back cheerfully!
Pauline then tested our looking eyes and asked us what we remembered about the tour.
“Ohana!” J said.
“Restaurant!” R replied.
“Hana go pet shop!” H said.
“Grocery store,” T said.
“Coffee shop,” S said.
“Toy store,” G said.
“Toy store,” S said.
Our morning free play was quite busy, too, and we were happy to see Jake back in Petals Class. We played with toy cars with him and he also read some books with us. When we went to play out in the temple, he helped us balance and walk on stilts! It was really fun!
That’s all for today- how about you? How was your day?
All the happy children in Petals Class