Shinkansen Day and Goodbye to Our Friend K
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Good morning! We had a fun day as we had another visitor…and it was K’s family! We had Y-san(K’s daddy), S-san (K’s mommy), and S, (K's big brother) After we finished our free play time, we all gathered together and waited for them. “Hi Petal class!” Y-san had a big smile. “Hiiii.” S and S-san greeted us. They started by saying, “Today we are going to talk about Shinkansen.” and showed the picture of Toukaidou Shinkansen, which go to Nagoya from Tokyo. Then they explained about the shinkansen. The shinkansen began their service in 1964 which is about 60 years ago. At that time, the shinkansen connected from Tokyo to Osaka and it took 4 hours, Y-san explained to us. Wow, even though 60 years ago, the shinkansen runs fast because it was 210km/h. We watched a short video of the shinkansen in 1964. “How about “now”? Now Shinkansen is…” He continued and explained about the shinkansen now. The shinkansen speed improved and it’s 320km/h or 360km/h now. They shared some videos and pictures of the shinkansen and it was Zero kei, Hayabusa E5, Komachi E6 which go to Akita. Y asked us if we know the name of them. K shouted out, “Komachi!” and pointed out the picture- it was a very cute moment. Komachi and Hayabusa are the fastest shinkansen in Japan, he added. We were glued to the presentation because the shinkansen was so fast and super cool. Can you believe that next-generation shinkansen speed will be increasing their speed faster? In the future, the maglev shinkansen train will reach 500km/h which allows us to go to Osaka for just 1 hour in 2037. Also, in 5 years, it would get to Nagoya in 40 mins. That is super cool and we would like to travel by the fastest shinkansen. Lastly, they shared the Japanese anime which is Shinkalion. It is the transforming shinkansen robot. We watched the opening song and liked it! Before we said goodbye, we commented that we love shinkansen! Thank you very much for the wonderful presentation. We really enjoyed it!
Today was actually our dear friend K’s last day…It is so sad to say goodbye so we said, “We miss you and see you again!” K gave us special shinkansen stickers. We gave him a hug or high five to him. We asked him where we should spend outdoor time. K nodded his head for going to step park. We went to the step park and had fun with Buds friends. It was such a special day for us. We all will miss you Kenta-kun. Thank you very much for being in Petals class, we have lovely memories!
Tomorrow is a short day. It’s going to be another fun day. Thank you very much for everybody and see you all tomorrow!
All the energetic bunnies in Petals Class