Shukriya and Antarctica

We have been enjoying warmer days recently. Spring seems to be here! We had the chance to take photos with the beautiful cherry blossoms. When Z saw the extra prints of our photos, she suggested, “Could we please make these beautiful photos into puzzles?”. That was such an amazing idea! Our Flowers friends liked the idea, too so we started working on our puzzles today. We made lines on our photo and then cut along them to make the puzzle pieces. When we asked, “How many pieces should I cut?”, we remembered that the more pieces we get, the more challenging our puzzles would become. It was interesting to make your own puzzle, much more when it is your very own picture😊



            We know when our teachers set up the room for a zoom meeting. So, when we saw the projector and laptop on the table, we knew that someone would be joining us through zoom. Who could it be?

            Yu: Ke?

            Be: Z’s mom

            Ch: K’s mom

            Z: D’s mom

            Au: My dad or B’s mom

            T: Y’s Dad. Y is your dad coming today?

            Y: My dad is…. But I think K’s coming because my dad is too big. Too big people can’t come on zoom.


Our teachers just smiled and told us to check the screen. We did and we saw R’s Dad! Today, we “traveled” to Pakistan with A. We found it amazing to see beautiful places in different seasons. We enjoyed looking at the amazing truck art, delicious-looking foods, and interesting animals. We had a wonderful time learning more about Pakistan through our question and answer time.


            Z: What did you do in Pakistan?

            A All our families live in Pakistan. It’s our home country.

            Z: My dad also showed me that picture (tower).

          Y   : What food eat in Pakistan?

            A: I’ll show you soon.

            Z: The peacock picture is beautiful.

            Ch: Who painted the truck art?

            A: We paint like this in Pakistan.

            Z: I haven’t seen that one. I only saw the cars.


Then, we saw animals that we don’t usually see here in Japan. At first glance, we thought that it was a deer. When we checked with Ali, he replied, “It’s called markhor, and this is our national animal”.  We saw a bird which we later found out is Pakistan’s national bird called, chukor. Tiger looked at his picture and said, “That looks like an armadillo!”. Next picture was that of a tree. K shared that “I see tree that one in Japan”. This tree is Pakistan’s national tree called deodar.

            Y: Cold in Pakistan?

            Ai: It is in December, January, and February.

            Y: My house is cold, too!
            Ch: Which continent is Pakistan in?

            A: (South) Asia


Then, Ali showed us some delicious-looking foods they have in Pakistan.

            A: Food is healthy and good. I eat it at home.

            Z: I like this sticky one this one (samosa).

            Y: What is the name?

            A: Jalebi

            Z: I ate that one when I was in Pakistan.

            Y: What food do you like to eat?

            A: I like all of them!
            A: I like these ones – tomato and sandwich.


Ky asked A if he could speak in their language in Pakistan. When he replied, “Yes”, we requested if he could say something in Urdu. He taught us how to say good morning. We practiced several times with A, and we were able to say, “Subha Bakhair!”. Z said, “I say in a different way. I say, As-salamu-alaykum”. We also learned how to say thank you. It is, “Shukriya!”. At the end of the presentation, we said, “Shukriya!” to A! Many thanks for showing us a lot of beautiful places and things and delicious foods in Pakistan!


SHOW and TELL by Ch

            Ch brought two papers, scissors, and glue stick. Then he started cutting the orange paper. He said, “I am going to make a dinosaur. This is the head. This is the body. Next, I will make the arms.”

            When K saw what he made, he said, “That’s amazing!”. Ch smiled and proceeded to cutting the legs, tail, spikes, eyes and then glued them together to make a dinosaur!

            K: The head is like pac-man.

            Z: Can you reuse these pieces?

            Ch: I’ll make another one.

            Y: What is this part of the scissors (yellow)?

            Ch: I don’t know. I’ll make a house for the dino.

            Be: How about the roof?

            Chr: No roof because he likes the sunshine.

            B: What if it rains?

            K: It’s a 2D house.

            Z: Why turn the house into a bed?

            Ch: Because t-rex needs a house.

            Y: What food it eat?

            Ch: These orange pieces.

            K: If you make another one, will it live together?
            C: I’ll make another house. A bigger house

            T: That looks like shrimp!
            Ch: I can fold it here and paste here to make a shrimp food.

            K: Do you have a 3D printer?

            Ch: No, but I can just make it by myself.

            B: Are you going to connect the other house?
           Y: Which park go to?

            Ch: Dino park!
            Y: What play?

            Ch: Dino plays with park things.

            T: Are you going to make a machine for the food?

            Ch: It will take years.


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Are you cold?

            Many thanks to Y for reading today’s question of the day. Most of us answered NO. Ki said, “I wear t-shirt so I’m not cold!”. How about in Antarctica? We learned that it is very cold in this continent.

            T: It is too cold in Antarctica. You can live in igloo, but the snow will melt in summer.

            C: Because it passes through the equator.

            T: Antarctica is on the bottom and the sun can’t reflect.

            Z: Reflect means when something is shiny, and it bounces off.


While people do not live in Antarctica, some animals do. T said that the crabeater seal lives there. How could it survive in such a cold environment? That’s our big wonder for the day! To get an idea of how if feels like being in a cold environment, we had a little experiment. Vieda took out a big bowl of icy water and asked if we would like to try keeping our hand in it. Nimo used the timer so we could have an idea how long we could keep our hand in the icy water. It was very cold! The longest time that we were able to do so was about 3 minutes!

            We are excited to see how this little experiment unfolds tomorrow!

            Please have a great evening!


