Our beautiful Corals

What a warm, beautiful spring day! We had another wonderful day at school learning and playing! We started our morning making robots out of toilet paper rolls and gluing our colored oatmeal onto our nature paintings! Our topic for this month is “reusing”, instead of throwing things away we can try to use them to make new things! We covered our toilet paper rolls with aluminum foil to make it look like it was made out of metal. We added a face, arm, and legs to make our very own robot toy! For our other craft, we used the colored oatmeal we made for our sensory play a long time ago. We spread out glue on our nature painting then sprinkled oatmeal on it.


After we packed away our toys and crafts, we had our snack then had a short circle time before we headed out to Arisugawa Park. Our teachers were very happy to hear our friends complimenting each other and saying positive things.

Nimo: Why do you say those things?

T: To make our friends happy.

Nimo: What happens if someone ignores you when you say something nice?

C: A little sad, like they are not listening.

B: We can say, “I love you!”.

K: Or say, “thank you!”.

When we go to a new school, we will need to make new friends. Finding good things about our new peers and complimenting them can help, we also need to make sure to respond to the lovely comments other people say about us because ignoring can make us look unfriendly. We then marched on our way to Arisugawa park and played a little then took a few more pictures of the sakura before they disappear.


When we got back to school we gathered around for our circle time.

We briefly reviewed the page about sea snakes.

Z: They lay their eggs in the sea.

D: The babies are in the tummy.

Z: That’s because if they lay their eggs in the sand, people might step on them.

Y: Sea snakes, what do they eat?

C: I think they eat plants.

Z: They eat corals.


Our question of the day today was, “Have you seen a coral?”. Only a few of us said yes, some friends said, “I think I know, but I can’t remember what a coral is?”, when they saw a picture they remembered they saw it before in the ocean.

Z: I saw straight and different colored corals.

C: We don’t take them because they are pretty.

K: I found a coral in Okinawa beach, there was a blue fish in it. They are using the coral to hide from the enemies.

T: Another way to say “enemies” is predator.


Nimo showed us a few pictures of corals. We saw pictures of the beautiful coral reefs with fish everywhere, then we saw pictures of corals covered in trash, and a picture of dead corals.

Nimo: What do you think Corals are?

D: Fish.

Z: I think they are sea plants.

K: In this picture, we can’t see the coral because of the trash.

C: A type of grass that lives in the ocean.

The book C donated, “Little Kids First Big Book of the Ocean” by Catherine D. Hughes, taught us that corals are animals called invertebrate, and they lay eggs, and eat tiny plants and animals. Just like us humans, most animals need food and oxygen to live. When corals get covered in trash, they cannot breathe and can end up dying. Also, the global warming has caused the ocean to be hotter which can also damage or kill the corals. Scientists say that we need to help our corals because they are in danger.

Z: That is very sad.

C: We need to do something!

D: Recycle!


Our friends had so many more ideas and questions they wanted to talk about, but we had to start eating our lunch!, we will have to hold onto our ideas until tomorrow’s circle time!

Thank you everyone for another wonderful day! Have a lovely evening and see you again tomorrow!


