Carnival of Shapes


    The Carnival of Shapes Museum

     Come one, come all! Today is the day for our year end culminating activity! The past six months have been a journey of growing and learning from each other and our environment through an evolution of themes. We started out with  “Shapes in Motion” in which we focused on lines, shape structures and how it can move given its angles & sides. As the months passed, the children evolved the original theme into “Carnival of Shapes” as they became curious with putting shapes together to build interesting models and structures. Our teachers browsed through photos of the structures  we made throughout the term and thought that it resembled the colorful and magical feeling when in a carnival. Thus, “Carnival of Shapes” started.

Year End Party

     A mix of emotions can be felt inside the room today. We all felt proud with how our museum turned out yet at the same time we also feel a bit sad as today was the last day of our friend Valerie and Moko Sensei. It was wonderful having to cross paths and your presence have brought so much joy and love in Buds Class.  Our Year End party was a celebration of friendships formed, discoveries made, and the ongoing journey of learning.

     As Eric Carle being an integral part of our learning journey this year through his illustrations, and stories, John read to us one of his works “Today is Monday” which is slowly becoming a favorite of ours.

   Thank you to our everyone who took the time to join us in Zoom.

Happy Birthday, E!

        Apart from today being our End of Year Party and viewing of the Carnival of Shapes museum, it was also our dear friend’s E birthday! We sang her a birthday song which made her so happy!

Private Viewing of the Museum

        We the artists were overwhelmed with delight seeing our works and photos displayed around the tent. It was nice to see our Buds Clowns, Mr. Elephant, “Mama” the Dragon, Lions Going through the Ring of Fire, Scribbly Graffiti, Fluttering Butterflies, Sensory Bottle, and “Neigh Neigh Carousel” placed together which really made us feel like we were in a carnival. And true enough, we all had fun spinning our “Neigh Neigh Carousel” around.

     As it was quite hot outside, we decided to stay in and cool ourselves down with Water Play. We hope you enjoyed watching our video on “The Making of Carnival of Shapes Museum”.

                                  We hope you had a fantastic day!

                                  Love, Buds Class Children