The Listening Ears Test


             Every free play time, we could hear our teachers reminding us about our “listening ears”. We would have friends who would complain about another friend because even if they said “No, thank you.” or “May I borrow, please?”, they wouldn’t listen. Sometimes, there would be friends who would be arguing over toys, and there would be another reminder from our teachers.

During our circle time, Pauline thought that maybe we should put our listening ears to test. We saw her take out some boxes, bowls, magnetic letters, and color sorting counters. We practiced identifying our big letters or upper– case letters, and we looked at our friends’ name cards. We took note of the upper-case letters they began with.

Pauline started her listening ears test. H volunteered to go first.

“Take letter B and 1 blue dinosaur. Put it in the green bowl, please,” Pauline said. We saw H looking around for the things mentioned– and he did it! We clapped our hands for him.

“Take letter C and 2 bananas. Put it in the purple bowl, please,” Pauline told Y.

“Take letter D and 2 green dinosaurs and put it in the yellow bowl,” were the direction for L.

“Take letter A and 1 orange and out them in an orange bowl, please,” These were what U needed to do.

“Take letter E and 3 strawberries and put it in the red bowl,” Pauline told H.

“Please take 2 grapes and letter F and put it in the blue bowl,” was what S needed to follow.

“Take letter A and mix it in the yellow bowl,” was what Pauline told Z.

“Please take out letter Z and put it in the green bowl,” This was what A needed to follow.

“Please take letter D and the 2 bananas and please put it in the box,” were the instructions for R.

“Please take out letter E and 3 strawberries and put them in the blue bowl,” were the instructions for S.

“Please take letter A and 2 green dinosaurs inside the yellow bowl. Put them all inside the box,” were the directions for D.

“Please take letter F and H and put them inside the box,” This was what A was told to do.

“Please take B and G and the blue dinosaur and put them in the box,” were the instructions for A.

“Please take E and C and the 3 strawberries inside the red bowl. Please put them all in the blue bowl,” was what R needed to follow.

The instructions seemed confusing at times, but WE DID IT! We all passed! Hooray for our listening ears! The teachers cheered for us for a job well done! Of course, they also reminded us that our good listening ears are not just for circle time– it’s for ALL THE TIME.

We got ready for the park after, but on the way there, it drizzled a little bit. The teachers thought it best that we just go back to school and we can have some indoor games. Pauline said we can play “The Floor is Lava” with our tactile path. With each round, our teachers took out the tactile path one by one until there’s only one left. It was sooo tricky! We tried to grab onto each other to keep ourselves from falling– during the last game, our remaining 4 friends D, H, L, and S together with Sayaka, all scrambled for the 2 remaining pieces of the tactile path. All 4 friends fell down, and Sayaka was left standing! We all burst into laughter– they were really funny!

After that, we had our lunch. S kept telling us, “Today is my last day!” and Z reminded all of us that “After the museum, I will go up to Flowers Class.” A happily said, “I will go to the beach soon– YAY!” and S said, “It’s almost summer and time for us to go to different places.” Yes, this is our last week together as the Petals Class group of 2020– 2021. We should make the most out of it!

That’s all for today– how about you? How was your day?



All the happy children in Petals Class









