Earth Day
We were a little bit surprised when we arrived at Flowers Class today because all the lights were off!
A: The lights are off…
K: Because it’s Earth Day.
Nimo: Why do you think we turn the lights off on Earth Day?
L: Because inside the Earth is dark, and then the world is over there *points at the earth that we made*.
A: Because it’s Earth Day.
V: Because the other days weren’t Earth Day.
K: To save the Earth.
A: The light is power, if we turn light off we are helping the earth and the earth will be happy.
C: Because light is electricity and if we have it on all day, we are wasting electricity.
Nimo: Where does electricity or power come from?
Keita: From the Denchuu (light poles).
T and C: From the Sun.
V: From the Earth.
A: From water
C: Sometimes from the batteries.
A: If we don’t do lights off when we go outside, there will be no more power, so we turn off.
A: How can we save the Earth?
C: Eat all the food.
K: Don’t use too much soap.
R: Don’t use too much paper.
K: Don’t waste water.
V: Throw plastic in bins, or else the wind will take them into the ocean.
K: We can ride a bicycle to school.
C: Or walk!
V: Scooter.
A: Strider.
K: A one wheel bicycle.
K: Ichirinsha (Unicycle).
C: A tricycle.
L: A and everyone can be together in one car.
A: But if we share the car it will be corona.
K: One time I carpool with Y.
C: What you talk is what you do.
We took a break from our circle time and headed over to the park to play. We met Petals at the green area and we all played frisbee with the hoops. When we got back to school we had our lunch then continued out circle time outside. Our teachers prepared a bucket full of soil, some seeds, cups, and plants. First, we took a look at the soil inside the bucket.
K: Soil is black, and sand is orange.
L: The sand at step park is grey.
We all put our hands inside the soil and felt it.
R: I like it!
A: It doesn’t feel like sand, it’s fluffy.
We took a look at the Tomato plant and talked about what we thought would happen to the plant.
A: It will grow into a tree, the middle part will get bigger and turn brown.
K: It well grow so tall, all the way to the sky.
K: It will be bigger than Ohana.
C: the tomatoes will be the size of A’s head!
We all got into our groups and we were handed two cups. We put some soil in both cups and then planted a carrot seed and a sunflower seed. We will make sure to water our plants and keep them healthy! We can’t wait to see them grow!
Before we went home our friends shared how excited they were for tomorrow!
C and K: We are excited because today is Earth Day, and tomorrow we can bring our book to Ohana!
A: Happy because tomorrow we can bring book.
V: Me too!
We can’t wait to see what book our friends will share with us and what costume they have prepared for tomorrow! Thank you very much everyone, have a lovely evening and we will see you all again on Friday for World Book Day!