Welcome to the Best Game Show on Earth, Daddy’s Day Edition!


             Today is a special day– we’re celebrating Dad’s Day, even if it is a couple of months early! As daddies are extremely busy, Ohana picked a Japanese holiday when most of them are off work. We were so excited as we saw our daddies log in to Zoom one by one.

“It’s my daddy!” A said excitedly. Some of our friends who don’t usually go to school on Mondays were also logged in to Zoom. We cheerfully said hello to N and A.

We prepared a game show for the daddies called “Is This My Child?” and Pauline was our game show host who had a glue stick as her microphone. Sayaka was our camerawoman, and Kai operated all our technical stuff. We were the audience!

The daddies would choose from 4 different categories: Work of Art, which had pictures of daddies drawn by us– daddies have to guess who drew it; Hi Daddy, where they would guess whose voice it is; Eye Spy, where they would look at pictures of eyes and guess who it; and You’re the Best, which contained cards saying the reason why we think our daddies are the best, and they would guess who said it. Kai prepared our game board with colorful cards and numbers on it– I think we can give international game shows like Family Feud and The Price is Right a run for their money! Heehee!

We had a great time watching our daddies play the game– we must say, we’re pretty impressed at how they know us so well! Whenever a dad would guess correctly, we would tell them “Good job, Daddy!” and the rest would clap and cheer.

The finale of our show was a dance number– and Pauline said it didn’t seem right if it were only us dancing! The teachers encouraged the daddies to dance together with us– and boy, the daddies wasted no time in showing off their dance moves! It quickly turned from a game show into a disco party!

The teachers thanked the daddies for joining the game show, and we all logged off. But we were so overjoyed by the whole celebration that we couldn’t help but dance one more time together! Yay! After that, we got ready for snacks.

After snacks, some of us read with Kai one of our favorite books, “Monster Love Underpants” by Claire Freedman. We also browsed through “Here We Are” by Oliver Jeffers. Pauline had a short circle time and read “What Would Barney Say?” by Sheryl Leach. It gave certain situations like:

Situation 1: Barney and BJ were invited to a playdate in Patrick and Alicia’s house. What would Barney say?

“’Hmp! I don’t like your house!’ Maybe that’s what he would say….?” Pauline asked.

“That’s not so nice,” H pointed out. “I think he would say ‘Thank you!’” he suggested. He was right-the next page revealed that!

Situation 2: The 4 friends made a castle by sharing the blocks.

  A and L both shrugged, indicating they didn’t know the answer.

“Maybe we can flip the page over so we can know,” H said. It says that Barney would say that it’s great to share toys.

Situation 3: Alicia gives some cookies and a card for Barney.

“’Please, may I have some cookies?’ You always have to say ‘Please’ because it’s a nice word,” H said.

“Maybe Barney would say, ‘I like the cookies. Thank you!’” Z suggested.

“Hmm.. I like the cookies, too. I like chocolate chip cookies!” Pauline said.

“Hiori!” H agreed, as she pointed to herself while rising her hand.

“I like a different cookie,” A said.

Situation 4: Alicia shares her books with Barney.

“’Thank you for sharing!’” A suggested. He was right! It’s always nice to say thank you and appreciate the nice things our friends have done for us.

When we finished the book, Pauline asked us that since today we celebrated  Dad’s day, what would Barney say to his daddy?

“I like you!” A said.

“I like you because……?” Pauline prodded.

“I like you daddy because I’m happy!” A said, referring to his own daddy.

“I like you daddy because you play Nintendo Switch with me,” S said.

“I like you daddy because I love him,” H said.

“I like you daddy because I love you,” L said.

“How about you, A? Do you like daddy?” Pauline asked him.

“Noooo!” He said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and Pauline gasped comically, which made us laugh. But, later on, A answered with a “Yes!”.

We had our lunch after that– and that concludes our Monday! How about you? How was your day?



All the happy little bunnies in Petals Class



Ohana International School