My Mom and Me!

What other fun way to start our circle time than with a song that asks about our feelings? This has been a special part of our day, and how we love replying with SUPER, SUPER, SUPER _______! Please check how we expressed our feelings below:

 Ch: I>m excited and super, super, super angry and happy!

M: Good!

Ke: I’m super, super, super excited, wonderful and great!

K: I’m super happy!

Ka: I’m excited and wonderful!

Y: I’m great, wonderful and super excited!
A: I’m angry!

Ri: I’m super, super angry!

Am: I’m happy, and super, super, super excited!

Ak: I’m super, super, super angry!

Li: I’m happy, arigato!

 We are happy to have the chance to be aware of our friends’ feelings. Oftentimes, we think that our feelings are different from our friends, but it does not matter. We can still enjoy the day having each other!

 Just as we were working on the days of the week and the months in a year, Ke said, “I am super, super excited because it’s my birthday today!”. Then, looked over all the month cards and Vieda asked us if we know our birthday month. Some of us did not even have to look at our birthday chart, and some of us also know others’ birthdays as well. We will not let this time passed without singing a birthday song for Ke who celebrated his birthday today. We read a birthday story, then just as we read from the book, we cheered Ke with a hip, hip, hooray for 5 times! Happy 5th birthday again, Ke!


 Vieda: Today we are going to talk about _____. It starts with “F”. Do you have any ideas? We have been talking about this topic. What do you think is it?

Ad: Friday?

Ke: Firefighter?

Ak: Phonics?

Ke: But phonics is not “F”, it’s “ph”.

Ch: Family!

Vieda: Perfect! Who is in your family?

Am: Even cousins are in our family.

Ke: Your wives and daughter are in your family.

Ak: Fox (because it starts with a /f/ sound).

Vieda: Yes, it’s about our family and particularly about one person in our family. Our book gave us some hints about this person. This is someone who wakes us up.

K: Monster?

Am: Our helper who also cooks and cleans for us.

Y: Mommy?

Ak: Restaurant?

Ke: I don’t know in English but in Japanese it’s obake.

Ma: I know! Ghost!

(Vieda showed us the book, “Don’t Let the Aliens Get Away my Marvelous Mum” by Gilliard Shields.) Before we read the book, Vieda asked one question that made us think deeply.

 Vieda: Do you want that aliens to get your Mom?

Everyone: No!

Vieda: Why?

Y: Because I love my Mom.

A: Me, too. Because I love my Mom.

L: Mommy cooks food. So no mommy, no more food.

Am: I don’t my Mom to go away because I want to give her cuddles!

Ak: Because I like my Mommy and Hi chan.

Ka: Because Mommy cooks lunch, I can’t eat lunch.

Ke: Maybe if that eats Mommy, she will miss everyone. Maybe everyone can be eaten then we can all be together.

Y: If Mommy gets away, then Daddy can cook.

K: If the Mom gets away, then nobody can cook because Daddy goes to work.

Ke: Even Daddy cooks. I don’t want them to get my Mommy away because baby needs to drink milk on Mommy’s breast. Only Mommy can have milk in her body, not Daddy.

 On reading the story, we wondered what the work MARVELOUS means.

A: It means lovely.

Ka: (in Japanese) “Oni-san, okaasan wo oni ni kaenaede ne!” which means, Mom, please don’t turn into an alien.

Ak: It means, don’t get Mommy. Mommy, please don’t change to a monster.

Well, we think that MARVELOUS means Mom is great, nice, kind, wonderful and lovely!

 QUESTION of the DAY: Do you know how you looked like when you were a baby?

 Ch helped us read the question, and we all looked at each other after hearing it. We picked our initial letter and placed it on either YES or NO column. Guess what the result was? 7 people said yes, while 6 answered no. 

 Just as we were talking about babies, Vieda showed us some baby photos. She mentioned that all the baby photos are photos of Flowers children when they were babies. We had a guessing game about our baby photos. It was a bit of a challenge to guess. We realized that most of us looked different when we were babies, which made it a bit challenging to identify whose baby photo it was! We giggled as we went through each of our baby photos. We all agreed that ALL the BABIES in the photos are unbelievably cute and adorable. We also learned the meaning of our own names, as well as our friends’.

 Another terrific Tuesday had just passed. We had so much fun that before we knew it, it was already time to go home! We hope that you day was as MARVELOUS as ours😊






Ohana International School