Of Cupcakes, Musical Chairs, and Rainbows


           “It’s my birthday!” R said excitedly when he came to school.

           “Do you know, it’s my happy birthday party today,” A said while he was doing his morning jobs. When everyone heard the words “birthday” and “party” we were just excited!

After packing away, the teachers said it was their birthday. Of course the general reaction was, “Nooo!”

“It’s A’s and R’s birthday!” L said. Then, our special visitors arrived. It was A’s mommy, Na; and R’s mommy, K! We greeted them good morning and welcomed them to our class. We also welcomed back Liezel to our class, as it was time for another teacher exchange.

“Where’s Sayaka? Do you know where she is?” Pauline asked.

“Bali,” K replied with a grin. We laughed as we’re sure that Sayaka would’ve loved it if she were in Bali today! But, alas, she went down to Buds Class this time. Nimo played the ukulele and we sang “Happy Birthday” in Japanese and in English. Adam and his mommy taught us how to sing it in Hebrew.

We gave our birthday cards to our celebrants, and we gave them hats and crowns, too. After that, it was cupcake decorating time!

We sat on the table, and we were handed cupcakes. We requested for either the regular whipped cream, or chocolate– flavored whipped cream. We put some marshmallows, sprinkles, and chocolates. We couldn’t eat them yet– we had to wait until snack time. Instead, we went back to carpet and played musical chairs. Interesting fact: Liezel and Pauline said that they have a different name for musical chairs back in the Philippines– they call it “Trip to Jerusalem”! Nimo and the mommies said that it was the first time they’ve heard it being called as such.

We then played, and we showed good sportsmanship by not crying whenever we were declared “out” of the game. Just like what our teachers said– it’s just a game, so sometimes we’ll win and sometimes we’ll lose. If we lose, that’s alright- we can try again next time.

C was crowned the musical chairs champion, and we all cheered for him. C responded with a beaming smile.

We went back to the table and ate the cupcakes for snacks. It was so delicious! We thanked R’s and A’s mommies. Our teachers were lucky to have some, too, which they happily ate.

We got ready for park, and Pauline read to us a book that S brought to share with us. It was about Peppa Pig: The Rainbow. It was about Peppa Pig’s family going on a car trip, which was getting a bit boring—

“I always say that, ‘I’m bored! Boring, boring, boring!’” A said while giggling.

“I bring my toys in the car, so I won’t get bored,” L said.

—so Daddy Pig decided they can play a game spotting cars in their favorite colors. When they reached the top of the mountain, it began to rain, so Daddy Pig bought ice creams in  their favorite colors, too, and they ate it until the rain stopped (By the way, Pauline was trying to do the Peppa Pig family’s British accent; “Do I sound like Peppa Pig?” she asked us. We were pretty divided  about our answers).

When the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared! It had all their favorite colors, and it had all our favorite colors, too!

“I like pink,” R said. Hmm, it wasn’t on the rainbow, but, Pauline said that when we mix colors together, we can create new ones!

“Blue and red?” S guessed when the teachers asked what colors can make pink.

“Hmmm.. Maybe red and white?” A suggested. Yes, she was right! Pauline suggested if we can try to mix colors for free play time tomorrow, so we can discover what colors we can make by mixing them.

By the end of the story, they tried to chase the rainbow, so they can find the treasure at the end of it. They went up and down the mountains, and they found out the REAL treasure– a muddy puddle! Peppa Pig and her whole family splished- splashed in it. Now, THAT is the real treasure– to be able to spend time with your family and have a lovely time with them. THE END.

“My favorite part is when the rainbow appears, and when the rainbow goes away,” S said when we asked her what her favorite part of the story is. “I like this book because my mommy bought it for me for Christmas,” she added.

Our free play time was also interesting, as we had our white boards today, and we drew and wrote on them. Some friends were writing letters, and some where drawing their favorite things. The other table was quite busy, too, as we had cutting practice with pairs of scissors that made different patterns on the paper! We requested some story books to Liezel, which she kindly read to us.

We also went to the park today, and we enjoyed the beautiful weather. We hope you enjoyed it, too!



All the happy little bunnies in Petals Class. 














Ohana International School