My Favorite Color
This week, we have been talking about our sense of SIGHT. The world is full of amazing things and so many things to see! Today, we talked about colors. Can you guess what our favorite colors are?
Colorful Monster Painting
This activity would have been a very messy one except, the teachers came up with a neat idea of putting everything in a zip lock bag. How did we do it? Well, there was a piece of paper cut out in a shape of a monster which we placed inside the bag. Then the teachers asked which colors to add—there were green, yellow, blue, red, white and black. We could use as many or little paint as we wanted. Some wanted to go for ALL the six colors while some requested for a specific color, such as PINK. Hmm...When there is no pot of pink...What to do? If you put red and white together and mix the two colors...Look, even when you mix the colors, our hands stay clean because all the mixing happens inside the bag! For those friends who are usually not keen in getting their hands messy, it was a great opportunity to experience some sensory activity while those who in fact LOVE to get messy couldn’t help themselves from opening the bag to dip their hands inside! We all enjoyed the cool texture and seeing the colors making magical patterns :)
Driving Our Cars in Town
After finishing our morning jobs, many of us dived straight into where Gohsan was sitting with a mat of roads and different kinds of vehicles! Needless to say, this corner was particularly popular among our boy friends. L lined up all the cars, buses and trucks in two neat rows and was proudly showing them to his friends.
Picture Matching Puzzle
At the table, Tamara sat with us and helped us match the pictures on a card with the pictures on a board. As we are talking about our sense of sight, this was a wonderful activity looking at the shapes and colors to match the same pictures. Even when there is a goal that our teachers set for any activity, we always come up with creative ways to explore our play. H wanted to arrange the pictures in her own way ;)
Light Table and Colors
There are always so many exciting devices in the classroom to explore our playing experience and the light table is definitely one! We enjoyed arranging the colorful alphabets and stacking the colorful blocks glimmering over the light table. The activity here is more open-ended and we always come with fun ways to play. Play, play and play! We love to play, explore, experiment, understand and learn about all the wonders in this world!
Circle Time
“What color is this?” asked Nanako, as she put a picture of half circles. “Red” answered E and she went up to color in one of the half circles. One by one, we added, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue...Do you know what we were making? “I can sing a RAINBOW. Sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow too.” Then Nanako introduced us to a Japanese song, Donna iro ga suki (Whch color do you like)? In the book, My Favorite Color by Aaron Becker it showed us so many different shades of colors and after all, it can be difficult to choose only one color but here in Buds, we were all quite certain of our favorite colors…
Pink—U, R, E, R and L
Orange—S and A
Blue—K, S, L and K
Park Time
The air is getting colder each day but we always have a fantastic time outside! The open space where ‘the scary dinosaur’ used to live is now being newly built up and we observed the site with much curiosity as we passed by :)
Love from all the children in Buds xoxo