Last Day

While we had several occasions to say good-bye to our dear friend, L this week, today is really his last day.  For now we will say bye-bye like we always do and wish each other a good weekend.  On Monday, instead of coming back to Ohana, L and his family will be taking a plane and will travel far, far away to the country where they came from, United States of America.  We will miss you so much!  We hope that one day you will come back and visit us :)

In buds, our day was playful and colorful!  Here is what we did...

Comb Color Mixing

Today, we had an exciting experiment with colors!  We did things a bit different from our usual ways.  First, we put paint directly on a piece of paper in colors of blue, yellow, green and red.  Next, we didn’t use paint brushes to paint, instead, we used a tool from a collection of things like comb, toothbrush, forks and spatula.  Some of our friends enjoyed seeing the fascinating effect forks and combs can make as you stroke it over the paint while of course, the fastest and most thrilling way of enjoying is putting and feeling the paint on our fingers!  The paint went all over our hands, some on our faces, flooding over the piece of paper and on to the table – it is almost too much to ask not to be messy and the paint went wild as ever!!!

LEGO Blocks and Cars

 There is not a time when we get bored with LEGO blocks!  These are the moments when a parallel play slowly develops into cooperative play with other friends.  While you are in the middle of building this marvelous house, you see that beside you, another friend is connecting lots of cars.  You think, “Hmm...that looks fun :)”  Of course, you might get pushed away and things may turn nasty...But if you’re lucky, you might get to go at it even for a bit.  You can also look back at your own creation and bring back some fun idea and turn the house into a moving house!

Sorting Colorful Buttons

This week, we have been exploring on more open-ended activities.  For this one, there were buttons in different colors together with cups in the different colors.  The teachers prompted us and showed that we could sort the buttons in the respective colored cups.  The buttons later turned into ‘food’ and we pretended to fill up the cups and put them in the oven!

Drawing and Erasing

We love having the blackboard in the classroom.  We can make lines and strokes with a piece of chalk and then the best part is to get a piece of tissue paper to erase and undo everything!

Circle Time

This world is filled with so many beautiful colors and we love playing and learning about them!  There are already so many colors we can name sometimes both in English and Japanese :)  Today, Nanako played a color matching game.  She would say, “Iro iro iro iro nano iro? (What color is this?)” and take out a sheet of color.  On a tray there were glass marbles, tiles and buttons.  We carefully observed the color that Nanako was holding up and picked an object with the same color.  Even our littlest fingers were able to recognize the colors!

Park Time and the Bubble Game

CRUNCH!  BANG!  BANG! Went something over the high wall along the alley that leads us out to Step Park...What’s that sound?  We all ducked our head and made terrified faces.  Perhaps the dinosaur who used to live in the old house is back!!!  Even our walk to the park is filled with wonder, excitement and danger!  Yesterday, we had so much fun playing the bubble game.  Once we arrived to the green area, John suggested that we could do it again!  “Make a circle, round and wide...Make a small, small circle...Make a BIG, BIG circle...”  As soon as we heard the sound “BOOM!” we all let go off our hands and run in every direction!  Many of us anticipated what was going to happen and we couldn’t stop giggling as we made a circle! 

Thank you for another lovely day.

Love from the children in Buds xoxo



Ohana International School