When Dinosaurs Start to Come Alive
As the days start to get more chilly and we start wearing thicker and more layers of clothing, our excitement about learning dinosaurs keeps us all giddy and warm as these beautiful ancient creatures start to come alive in our classroom.
Dinosaur Sensory Station
Our Dinosaur Sensory Station gave us a glimpse of how the ancient dinosaurs have been able to live through different types of environment and seasons. We saw how the dinosaurs lived through the cold ice age and the humid and sandy environment. Today, we decided to give our dinosaur toys a break by throwing it a “bubble bath” party by playing it together with shaving cream.
Aside from just having fun playing with the dinosaurs and shaving cream, the activity was also a good way for us to work on strengthening the muscles in our fingers as we had to press the aerosol can so that the shaving cream would come out from it. Our eyes widened as we heard an unusual sound whenever the shaving cream came out from the can. We are still trying to decide what that “squishy” sound sounds like.
Dinosaur Foot Prints Station
There were different kinds of dinosaur foot prints on the other station and we were shocked to see how big it were! Erika asked us to see which of the dinosaur foot prints we thought looked the most similar to our own hands. After we compared , we found out that dinosaurs’ hands and feet all look different. Some of the dinosaurs only had three fingers while others had six; some of it had really sharp nails while others had short ones; some of it had long thin fingers while others had short stubby ones.
V: “Why different?” *while counting the fingers of the dinosaur and comparing it to her hand*
S: “Looks scary! Dinosaur hands! Same my hand, BIG!”
SA: “I want pink baby dinosaur! Like SA!”
We started our Circle Time by first reading a book that S requested. Erika read to us “Dinosaur Firefighter” by Sarah McIntyre and we were able to see how Dipsy the Dinosaur worked hard to become the best dinosaur firefighter that she can be. After the story, we revisited the drawing of the dinosaur that we did with John yesterday. Erika had us identify the special features of our very own dinosaur… it had a head shaped like a shoe, a very long neck, a big body, had four legs, and a short tail.
We were all puzzled when big cut outs of card board were brought out… it was the body parts of the dinosaur that we drew! We slot the big dinosaur puzzle pieces together and wow! Our very own special dinosaur suddenly came to life! The dinosaur was indeed way bigger and taller than us! We can’t wait to color and add more details to our dinosaur tomorrow with Chiaki.
We enjoyed another day learning in Ohana. We look forward to having more discoveries about dinosaurs tomorrow.
Buds Class Children