Making our Buds map!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Everyone came with lots of energy and it seemed that we all had restful days off. As we entered our class, we greeted our teachers and friends. It was really nice to see how we are so independent to do our morning jobs. On our carpet area, we had our people figurines and some big blocks that we could use for today. It was a learning experience for us because we were so fascinated by sliding the people down on our big Lego slides.
Our tables were also very busy with the counting bears used for counting and categorizing and the special art that we have done in the past few days. We surely enjoyed sticking more ripped pieces of paper. Our class is so cooperative and we loved doing things with little guidance from our teachers. For our counting bears activity, we have some placemat of colors. There were blue, red, green and yellow colors on it and our teachers told us to arrange the bears according to their colors. We were able to do for the first ten minutes and after that we put them together by sizes. We have so much fun doing this with our friends and teachers. On the other table, we completely finished our Buds class map! We did it for several days and now, it is almost complete.
After our free play time, we cleaned up our toys and waited for Miyashita-sensei. Before having our gym class, John gathered us in a circle and called our names. We all had to say, “I’m here” when we hear our names being called. After that, we sang more songs especially the song we learned last week which was “Love is something”. Miyashita-sensei came and we all got excited and greeted with a warm “good morning”.
Miyashita-sensei asked us to do our warm-up exercises and of course, we loved our animal actions and it was so good for us to start our session this way. Then, he taught us how to make a table by holding our bodies up from the floor by just using our legs and hands. It was like a table-stance. It was a bit challenging but we’re able to do it with the guidance from our teachers.
He also put the big green mat in the middle of the classroom and there we did our rolling over activity. We took turns and waited patiently. After that, we played our favorite “Gorilla game” and the other one was “The egg game”. The egg game is quite similar to the gorilla game but this time, we had to pretend that we’re holding the egg carefully as we walked from one end of the room to the other. Then, when we heard that the eggs crack and chickens come out we have to run back to where we came from as fast as we could. Thank you Miyashita-sensei for another beautiful workout session! See you again next week!
After our gym class, we read a story about the “Selfish crocodile” and “Do you want to be my friend?” For our second circle time, John showed us some cards with our names on. We feel that we’re ready to recognize our names that represent us. It was just like a guessing game for now but eventually, we’ll learn how to recognize our names properly. The next activity was about choosing our spot on our Buds map. John called us up one by one and he asked us to put our pictures where we want to build our houses on. It was quite an interesting activity and some of our friends chose their location that is close to our other friends and then John explained to us the meaning of having a “neighbor”. We’ll move forward from this activity by putting our houses using different art materials.
We also did some extra workout session and then had our meditation time. It’s nice to have this cooling down time and we’re very calm right after that. Thank you so much Ohana for another beautiful day and see you all again tomorrow.
Lots of love,
All the charming children from Buds class