End of Year staff lunch
Ohana International School staff went for our staff lunch today, bringing an amazing school year to a close. There was so much to celebrate and so much to grateful for. What an incredible team we have at our school. Dedicated, committed, full of energy and creativity, loving, thoughtful, kind, caring and so much more. They are our "Dream Team"! Every school should have a team like ours! As part of our end of year lunch, we played a few games that we choreographed by Kiki, our one and only Bollywood dancing teacher. First we played "Fun Facts" and then "Charades". What interesting things we learnt about our friends and colleagues! "Crosses fingers when they see a black cat"; "Was chased by a man with a hatchet in the forest", "Had their first kiss when they were 10 years old"; "Is scared of snakes and heights"; "Loves cooking and wants to study to be a chef"; "Put eyeliner and eyebrow pencil when they were little "; "Scared of the dark and ghosts carrying a light" etc. Then came the "Charades".......we all had a good laugh as we acted out the words on our pieces of paper.
The final thanks and sad goodbye went to Pooja, who is leaving us to teach at another school. We loved her creative energy and drama classes; her fun special days that she had in her class for her children and the wonderful suggestions and thoughts she shared during meetings. Thank you Pooja! We will miss you and wish you well!
Wishing everyone a wonderful summer school and great vacation.