The clouds have parted ways and the sun is shining down! What a beautiful way to end the week.

We kicked started our day with some marble painting. The children practiced their fine motor skills by pushing the marbles with their spoons. We painted our paper like a game. The goal was to make sure the marbles only roll on the paper and not to the table and floor. The children tried their very best to keep it on the table while they passed the marbles around to each other. Needless to say, they did an awesome job and enjoyed themselves a lot! At the carpet area, children cooked away with Goh-san at the kitchen area and read story books with Chiaki at the library. While our musical friends sang songs with Nimo and played their instruments.

Before we went to the park, the children requested for a story book to be read. Kiki talked about a special day that is coming up to celebrate how wonderful our mommies are. In the spirit of love, we read two books relating to that topic. The  children loved copying the actions in the books with each other and by themselves. They were really into all the actions in the book. 


Once our story time was over, it was time to head to the park and enjoy the beautiful weather. We decided to have our snack at the park and enjoy the sun. The children were full of energy and were excited to be outside after the past few days of rain. They played catching game with Kiki and Nimo, and loved racing with each other. We soaked up all the beautiful sunshine outside.


After park, it was time for a quick circle time with Kiki. As the theme from the morning was about mommies and babies, we decided to play a matching baby game with the children. Kiki first read the book, “Are you my mother?” by P.D. Eastman. She then introduced the babies who were looking for their mommy. The children helped to match them with their mommy, one by one.

Thank you Bud’s parents for always supporting us!

We hope you all are enjoying this beautiful sunshine and have a wonderful weekend! See you all next week!

Lots of love,

Loving Buds class 2017-2018