Comics are fun
Music brings life into our lives. Julie Andrews who is Maria in the Sound of Music said: “Music and the arts make a bridge across the world in ways that nothing else can.” Music is a language that everyone in the whole world speaks! We love singing and dancing and especially enjoy Wednesday when John comes to our classroom to do music with us. We started our music class off today by singing our Ohana School song. We sang with big joyful voices and then Ethan suggested that we sing “Good afternoon” which is the song John sings in his Phonics Beat class. John said that maybe we can adapt it so that the words were “good morning” because it’s still the morning. Miles said that he would sing it so he sang: “Good morning, good morning” which was different from the “good afternoon” song. So John added to it and sang: “Good morning, good morning, I love you, I love you” and then he went around the whole class singing: "Good morning, dear Riou, I love you, I love you” and he went around the whole class using these words and just changing the name when he came to each of us. It was so much fun. He said that we had composed a new song! Wow.
We had our second "Teach Me Now" session and today it was Ethan's turn. He brought along such a fun thing for us to learn and do. He brought along two "snuggies" and a bag of pegs. He said that he needed four chairs and he and Kai set to work. What were they doing? What were they making? What did we see? What did we think? What did we wonder? When they put the "snuggies" over the chairs, we started to think that they were hiding something. We had to wait until the end. Ethan put pegs along the edges of the "snuggies" and we watched and waited. Then we saw that they had made a tunnel. Ethan demonstrated how to go into the tunnel and then how to come out, the other end. We all had a turn to go through the tunnel and our teachers also went. It was funny to watch everyone doing the crocodile crawl along their tummies. Afterwards we told Ethan that we liked the tunnel a lot; that it was amazing; and we were glad that he brought along such a wonderful things for our second "Teach Me Now."
During the morning, because it was pouring with rain, we played Dodge Ball. We couldn't go outside, so this was a great way for us to use up some of our extra energy. We were glad that it rained because the flowers were being fed and we also had a discussion about playing outside in the rain, as long as we have a raincoat and rain boots. We think that this would be a great idea to do, one day.
We continued working on our Mothers Day cards and making our "koi nobori". We also loved our entire music lesson with John which included singing the "solfah" which are the musical notes that you sing, from the notes on a piano.
We are loving seeing our stories and journals in comic form and are more interested in reading them, than the other bulletin boards that we have. We understand that there are many ways to display work in our classroom and that documentation comes in many forms. Our teachers are having fun presenting things in different ways to us. We are observing more and reflecting about what we have done and are learning about.
Love from all of the Flowers Class children