Rain rain go away little buds wanna play!
April 18
Rain rain go away little buds wanna play!
Good morning world! The weather this morning was so wet! We like the rain though, we get to wear our raincoats and rain boots and jump into puddles! Thanks to the rain we were full of energy from the get go! To help us be active our teach-ers got us the huge lego blocks. We built lots of towers then toppled them over and started over again. We built towers taller than Nimo and Pooja. After we built about 100 towers we started to make beds for our friends.
Out on the tables we had matching puzzles. Many of us had no trouble matching picture, so our teachers prepared for us a puzzle that was a little more difficult. We had to match shape names with the actual shape. They looked alike, but not exactly the same so it took a little bit of thinking.
Pooja led our circle time today which was a special treat! We played a fun game with her. We first played Simon says. Simon told us to make sad faces, surprised faces, scared faces, and put out hands on different parts of our body. After we finished with Simon says we played the memory game! We had three flowers of different colors on the floor and we all closed our eyes then Pooja took one away and we had to guess which was missing.
After our snack we had Pooja read us a book. She read for us the “Three Little Piggies”, a classic. When the big bad wolf blew the houses down Nimo waved his fan at us and gave us a feel of how strong the wolf probably was blowing.
Although we love the rain, and there’s a lot of fun things we can do, there’s one thing we can’t do which is go to the park. It was raining very hard outside so we decided to stay inside. We had a music and dance session in class. We first sang along to the Ukulele. We sang so many songs, but we were still full of energy so we all stood up and started dancing.
We danced to our favorite songs and danced to a few new songs too. “Baby Shark” song is still number one song in Buds. A lot of our friends have made really good friends and the whole dance time they were dancing with their friend. After a day of energetic dancing we finished it off with some meditation to help us calm down for lunch time. We laid down in the classroom and imagined we saw the beautiful sky and that we were flying in the sky. Some of us actu-ally fell asleep during our meditation.
By the time our mommies came to pick us up the rain had stopped. Hopefully to-morrow will be a sunny day so we can go to the park!
Until then rest well everyone for we have another beautiful and exciting day waiting for us!
Bubbly dancers of Buds Class 2018