Keep Calm And Pack Your Suitcase
March 6th, 2018
Dear Parents,
‘I am in the mood for flying, hey how about you?’ we sang and decided to go Norway today in our magic carpet. However, we were not sure about things to pack in our suitcase for Norway. We began by checking the weather and then packing accordingly. Ava, our weather reporter for today helped Pooja to check the weather forecast for Oslo, the capital city of Norway, in her iPhone. We saw that it was snowing there, with a temperature of -5 degree Celsius and it said that it feels like -11 degrees Celsius there. Wow that’s really cold! Now that we knew what the weather was like, we decided to pack the suitcase accordingly.
Pooja said that her wardrobe was very full and all the winter/ spring/ summer and fall clothes were mixed up. We had to help her sort the clothes for snowy winter season in Norway. We looked at the pictures of many clothes and chose the following to pack in our bag – jacket, ear muffs, gloves, scarf, hat, coat, jumper to wear under the coat and full sleeves t-shirt. Then we saw a picture of tuxedo and Wi said that he wants to pack it in the suitcase. Our teachers joked that usually boys wear it when they get married, to which Wi replied, “Yes, I get married in Norway”. We asked him who he would like to get married to, and An replied for him, “Av”. This made us all burst into laughter and we also packed a bride’s dress.
After packing the clothes, we looked at a few things that we need to pack when we are travelling, irrespective of where we are going, like money, air ticket, passport, toiletries, camera and more. Finally, we were ready to fly!
Sayaka read us a book called ‘No David No’ by David Shannon. It’s a story book of all the naughty things David used to get told off for as a child and his mom always said No,no,no,no,David! We enjoyed reading the story and could totally relate with it.
We completed decorating Spotty’s house today with shimmer and sparkle, so Spotty can always be happy and healthy. We think he loved his house as he looked at us with a smiling face. We have placed his house near the Spotty wall in the classroom. This is one of our favorite socializing spots in the classroom, where we love chatting about our experiences when we took him home.
We added a new job to our class routine every day – Signing In our names. Previously, we took our names from the big magnetic board and placed it in the board on the cupboard. This helped us to recognize our names as well as that of our friends. Now our job is to find our name card and write our names in the ‘Sign In Book’ before we place it in the board on the cupboard. Many of our friends are interested in writing and can hold the pencil with a tripod grip and hence our teachers wanted to give us the opportunity to practice writing every day.
It was a beautiful day and we went for a long walk in the neighborhood. We usually do Music and Movement with John on Tuesday; however, he was busy today and we danced and sang with Petals teachers. We also played with magnets, completed decorating our suitcase, finished our work on Spotty’s house, drove toy cars around the classroom and added to the Spring craftwork.
Little Globe Trotters in Petals Class