Snowy Park
Fun at the park!
Today we were able to go to the park for the first time this week! We we’re really excited to see that there were still snow on the ground. The green area where we usually run around was closed because the top net fell down but it’s ok we found other ways to entertain ourselves. We saw some cracked ice on the ground and it looked like fun. We walked on it and it cracked some more. We like the feeling on our feet and the noise it makes when it starts to crack. There was also a hill filled with snow so we were naturally interested it in. We walked on the slippery surface and fell a lot but we were laughing the whole time. Kai had the idea of getting a plastic bag so we can sit on it and toboggan down the hill. We have to play as much as we can while the snow lasts!
Today we had another show and tell. It was D’s turn and he brought in a picture of him a big snowman and two other little snowman. He told everyone that he found the snowmen and he didn’t make it himself. The big snowman has a hat, nose made from a carrot and eyes. The snowman is special because it is J’s family. The big one is mommy and the two little ones are J and his sister K. D even sang a song for us! It was in to the tune of “Little Snowflake”. It goes:
“Snowman snowman,
little snowman, little snowman,
Melting in the sun.”
And ended it with “We will make you next Christmas!”. What a wonderful song! We had some interesting questions for D as well. We asked him, “Why is your face different in the picture?”
“Because of the sun my face looks different.” D replied.
“Why do you like it?” we asked.
“Because snowman was so amazing and we can make it all Christmas.” D explained.
During circle time Hisami told us about Setsubun. It’s a Japanese festival to celebrate the beginning of spring. During this festival there will be “oni”, or a devil/ ogre/ demon or troll in English, and we have to scare it out of the house by throwing beans at it. While we’re throwing beans we need to chant, “Oni wa soto! Fukuwa uchi” which means “ Out with the devil! In with the good luck!” For good luck, we also need to eat the same amount of beans that’s equal to our age.
We also had a separate discussion about what we can make for Valentines Day. We have these long tooth picks and we want to make something with. C said “Rabbit. First you make the round paper then you pick this (the toothpick) for the ear. Then you say your name.” and he showed us how to do it. G said, “Tiger. It can be stripes on the body.” and M suggested, “Make a garden. Have a flat paper on the table then stick it on the paper then and put flowers on it then it’s a garden!”. They were all great ideas, we wonder how the final project will turnout.
Thursday is always a special day because we have… Maryna Thursday! We said hello by doing the tengu. Then warmed up by singing If you’re happy and you know it, Little snowflake and stretching our bodies. One of our favorite songs is the “Scarecrow” song so we asked if we can dance to it. We love wiggled our arms and danced with a stiff leg. Then Maryna showed us the dance to one of our other favorite songs! Baby Shark! We can dance to this song everyday if we wanted to! We ended with a little more stretching in a circle and the tengu.
Today we also had a chance to paint! We haven't painted in a long time and it was nice to be able to free paint whatever we want. We painted anything from taxi, buses and flowers to swimming pool and maps. Since we finished the 200 piece puzzle already we moved to an even harder puzzle. 300 piece! On the light table we had translucent alphabet letters that we could spell with. Some of us wrote our names and we also made up some words. Another busy day at Ohana but we enjoyed every minute of it.
Flowers Class Children