Ending the Summer the Indiana Jones- Way
Look at what we dug up a while ago!
Dear Mom and Dad,
Gosh, how fast time flies by- it’s the end of summer school already! Today, we were both paleontologists and archaeologists- we went through more frozen dinosaurs (To be honest, it was also really refreshing), and we also dug them up from the sand, together with our ancient Egyptian artifacts from yesterday’s story, “The Red Slippers”. We enjoyed comparing the different dinosaurs, too, and pretended that they were chasing each other, or that they were doing circle time (Which was funny, heehee).
We also had fun completing puzzles, playing with the trains, or cooking at the kitchen area and serving our friends.
During snack time, our friend Yuna brought some cookies for everybody, so we gladly ate them and said our “Thank you!” to Yuna. Then we read a book called “Sammy and the Dinosaurs”; it was the same name as our Sammy the Paleontologist/ Archaeologist, but the only difference is the Sammy in the book is a boy.
In the story, Sammy was cleaning the attic with his Grandma, and they found a box of dinosaurs, which they cleaned and fixed. Sammy researched in the library what the names of the dinosaurs are, and he loved them so much that he takes them everywhere. One day, he lost the dinosaurs in the train, which made him sad. A Lost and Found man in the station found them, and Sammy proved to him that they were his dinosaurs as he was able to call each of them by name.
After the story, the teachers turned off the lights in the room, and they said that we would search and dig for clues, using our flashlights, magnifying lenses, shovels, and brush. It was fun, as we were able to look for bones, and put them together- we completed a human skeleton! We wonder if it belongs to a pharaoh? Or an Egyptian queen? Hmm….
A visit to the park concluded our last day of summer school- we really enjoyed our time here in Ohana. Until next time!
All the fun- loving children in Petals and Flowers Class