Cornstarch Experiment

What a wonderful sunny Friday at Ohana. We finished our morning jobs and were excited to discover and play today. There was a new experiment that Renee had prepared for us and it was using cornstarch, water and food coloring. It created something that was a new texture that changes depending on how you play with it. If you were to touch it quickly, it would not be sticky. If you pick up a piece of it and let it slowly drip, it would be like slime. We loved to explore different textures with our hands and let the cornstarch mixture to drip on our hands. John was also on the carpet playing blocks with us. We built towers and houses and created a phone to call our friends, daddy, and mommies. On the other table, we had sensory toys. We matched the color, count the beads and move the beads from a side to another.

During circle time, Renee played “What’s in the Bag” game with everyone. Our friends found it was fun to pull out different toys that they play with daily. It was exciting to feel the different toys and guessing what toy it was. We also had a dancing session and everyone was on their feet. We moved to the music and sung with cheerful voices. Jen showed us the cool cabbages that soak up colored water. She also gave us a magnifying glass and told us that we could make the cabbage bigger. We saw that some part of the cabbages turn to blue.

The weather was beautiful so we decided to go to the park. We sung many songs along the way like “The Wheels on the Bus goes Round and Round” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” because we saw a spider on the way to the park. When we got to the park we saw our friends from another school and the neighbor friends playing there.  We played in the green space with balls and parachute.  We caught balls with teachers and friends.  John, Renee and Jen were waving the big parachute up and down while some of our friends were sitting under the parachute. We had so much fun playing with the balls and parachute and running around with our friends and teachers. Thank you so much Ohana for another great summer day and have a wonderful weekend! See you all again on Monday.

Lots of Love,

John, Chiaki, Sayaka, Jen and Renee