Graduation Party- When I grow up....
Tuesday 13th June
Dear Flower Class Moms and Dads and Children,
CONGRATULATIONS! Today was our end of the year party and graduation for the children in Flowers Class. A big ‘THANK YOU’ for coming today and especially for your kind words of thanks, support and encouragement. It is always with sadness that we say goodbye to many of the children in our care and it always brings many a tear to our eyes when we finally realize many of the children are leaving us and we possibly won’t see them again. Sad, Sad, Sad! We also wanted to say a special ‘Thank you’ to our room moms Shruti and Chevorne for all their support and hard work throughout this year. We couldn’t have done it without you! A special mention must also go out to all the moms who volunteered to help us out this morning with face painting and our class photographer Gary who did a wonderful job catching many precious moments as well as Natalie for catching many moments on the class camera today! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. We were so lucky to have such a great group of parents who supported us throughout the year and provided such yummy food today too! Today would also not have been possible without the wonderful work Pooja and Pauline put in to make sure everything went smoothly, as well as the huge amount of preparation they did with props, rehearsals and of course reminding me of all the things I had forgotten 😊 I am sure there are many others out there who also deserve a special mention and words of thanks. Today’s journal we felt is best served with lots of photos but in case you would like a quick rundown of the schedule for today, here goes:
Welcome & Introduction
Song: Ohana Song
Song: Love is Something
Graduation Song
Performance: Are you my Mother?
Performance: The Three Little Pigs (Vegetarian Version)
Intermission: Slideshow & Video Performance of Are you my Mother / The 3 Little Pigs
Graduation: Group Photo time
Graduation: Individual Certificate Presentation
Teacher’s Speeches
Messages of Thanks to Room Moms, Volunteer Parents and Photographer
Gift Giving of Portfolios, Yearbook, Fridge Magnets
T-Shirt Presentation (When I grow up I want to be a …)
Food Buffet- Yummy
Once again thank you for a wonderful day and a big Congratulations to our Flowers Class children. We wish you all the best for the future and happy memories of the past year. We will miss you all! With much love and tears,
Darren, Pauline, Pooja, Natalie and all the teachers and Children in Flowers Class.