Our 'Working Together' Value
Dear Moms and Dads,
We were busy bees today and worked very hard as we practiced for our end of the year performances. In fact, we were so engrossed in rehearsing that when we finished, we realized that it was almost lunch time and hence we could not go to the park. Some of us were a bit disappointed and so very active during lunch time that we couldn’t stop chatting. Our teachers hence decided to probably have a shorter free play time, so that we can get time to practice for our drama as well as go out to the park to play.
Apart from the two dramas that we are performing on, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Are you my mother?’, we also practiced the Graduation song and the love song that we will be singing. We also decided our sitting position for these. As much as we are excited for the End of The Year party, we are also sad that the year is coming to an end and many of us will be moving on to Big School. We are going to miss our friends and teachers so much. Our teachers were feeling very emotional too and said probably they might cry on our graduation day. We can’t believe that teachers can shed tears too, they are so grown up.
Few of us also worked on the Graphics tablet with Darren and created a beautiful artwork that we will be using to make our Good-bye gift. Pauline helped us make the props for our drama like the house of straw and sticks. Pooja worked on the fire prop that we are making with help of a table fan. We all sorted the props we need and kept them in a spot where it is easily accessible whenever we want to practice.
Some of us enjoyed playing with the Zoob tubes after a long time and made a long chain with it. Then we bended it and made a circle and square with it to make different things. We even compared the long chain with our height so see if it was taller than us or shorter. It was so fun and we were so imaginative. We also enjoyed playing with Kapla blocks and soft blocks. Few of us also played with the Small world people and Dinosaur. Then we used up all the cars in the car box and made a big traffic jam. We then told our teachers that the cars don’t move because of the jam. When they asked us what caused the traffic jam, we were not very sure and said “we are not really sure”. One of our friends went back to the drawing we started on the white board yesterday and added details to it. She told us that she hasn’t finished yet and would like to add more details to it tomorrow.
Next month 3 of our teachers, Pauline, Goh san and Chiaki have their birthdays and we wrote beautifully on their cards and made lovely drawings. We sure hope that they will like it.
All the teachers and busy bees in Flowers Class.