Happy birthday to our dear friend!
A special French bread for us to enjoy!
It was a short day and we’re excited to come and enjoy our time in Buds class. We also celebrated Camille’s birthday today. His actual birthday is tomorrow. He’s now two years old and our friends our growing up really fast.
During our free play time, we had our cars and trucks. The sand table was quite busy too because we wanted to explore more of our sensory skills. We truly had a great time discovering textures. The carpet area was quite busy too because John brought out his ukulele and started playing our favorite songs in the classroom.
Next, Armelle and Atala came to Buds class for Camille’s birthday party. He was very excited to see and he couldn’t wait to sit with them on our special birthday chairs. When they came, his mom brought out a book and read a story about being clean at all times. The book described about diapers and toilet training. It was really straightforward and we just loved it. We gave our birthday card and birthday medal to Camille. We said “happy birthday” and gave him a big hug. We loved to have him in Buds all the time. Happy birthday, Camille and thank you for celebrating it with us! We love the bread and strawberries!
After our birthday celebration, we played with our shadow. John brought the overhead projector and we all moved our bodies to see our shadows on the wall. We also did our exercise and enjoyed moving around with our friends and teachers. Our moms came and we realized that it’s time to go home. As we’ve mentioned earlier, the day was short but definitely fun. Thank you so much and have a good spring break!
Lots of love,
All the sporty children from Buds class 2016-2017