Happy Hanukkah!
I have a little dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it’s dry and ready
Oh dreidel, I shall play
Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
I made you out of clay
And when you’re dry and ready
Oh Dreidel we shall play
Happy Hanukkah everyone! Today we are celebrating the Jewish tradition which is the “Festival of lights”. Hanukkah has a very long history even in the journal the whole story can’t fit. However, to make the story short, Hanukkah is all about keeping their faith and realizing how strong they are in standing up for what they believe in. We have our special guests in Buds and they both brought special materials to celebrate Hanukkah. S and Sh came to our class and it was nice to see them here because they really prepared so much for the said celebration. S (Naomi’s mom) and Sh (N’s sister) brought a menorah toy that we could play with today. We counted the candles and they were eight candles. Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days and for each day we have to light one candle. We also need to display the menorah by the window so that people can see we’re celebrating this special occasion. Sara and Shaylee kindly let us know play with the toy menorah for today but we have to return it to them by the afternoon. There were also dreidels that can spin all by itself and they were also making very nice music. We were so mesmerized as the dreidels went round and round the whole time. We also listened to Sammy spider’s First Hanukkah! It was a bit long but we were all so attentive listening to it. To summarize, it was about Sammy spider who loves to receive dreidels for Hanukkah. He also loves to spin them just like the way he spins his own web. By the end of the story, he was able to get socks with special dreidels. He was quite proud to his mom how good he was in spinning them. The dreidel song was also part of our activity and we all enjoyed listening while spinning the dreidel in the classroom. We did our own version of it by using our bodies. We put our hands up together, spun like a dreidel and fell down on the floor. We did this twice and it was such a fabulous gross motor activity. Our celebration didn’t stop there, we even got some yummy treats such as latkes (potato pancakes), doughnut jelly. We also got to take our own dreidels with chocolate coins. Hmmmm…so delicious. Wow, it was such an awesome day!
We would like to thank S and Sh for coming to Ohana. It was such a pleasure seeing you and doing things with the children. Thank you for sharing this special moment about Hanukkah. You guys have no idea how much we value everything about it. It is in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Again, thank you so much!
We went to Robot park and everybody couldn’t hide their excitement because we all loved to see the robot slides and little springy robot cars. Thank you so much Ohana for another great day! See you all again tomorrow!
Lots of love,
All the dreidel spinners from Buds class 2017-2018