How Far Can You Count?
The week has come to an end and that too with beautiful weather! In the morning students did their morning routine as usual, but a lot more talking and chit-chatting with friends and teachers. I think the weather had a huge effect on them. Our new friends are settling in well and becoming more and more familiar with Bud’s routine.
We started the day by finishing up our Halloween crafts this morning. Students added their extra touches to their Halloween spider art. Teachers enjoyed watching the students doing a great job with their fine motor skills. They threaded craft pipes and stuck their favorite Halloween stickers on their spider’s bodies. They also glued on silhouettes to their spooky Halloween moons. We must say they look pretty awesome!
Students also “cooked” up a storm in our kitchen area. They made random “dishes” and had fun feeding it to Chiaki. At clean up time, all the students cleaned up their toys without any help from the teachers, which was a proud moment for all us.
During circle time today, it was Kiki’s time to lead. Circle time was focused more around numbers and counting. She made a special magical wand that the students used to count each other, to see how many friends were in class today. This got them quite excited about numbers. Kiki then followed with counting tiles, where students could feel the texture of the numbers. After practicing counting our numbers, it was time to sing a new numbers song with finger puppets!
“5 little fishies swimming in the sea, teasing Mr. Shark, you can’t catch me. Along came a shark, as quite as can be…..and…SNAP! 4 little fishies swimming in the sea, teasing Mr. Shark, you can’t catch me…”
It was wonderful to see the kids waiting in anticipation for the shark to SNAP on them. Needles to say, they loved the song and continued singing it throughout the day. Kiki also played a memory game, where students matched the silhouette of Halloween characters that Chiaki introduced on Wednesday. They had fun coming up one by one and matching silhouettes to the characters.
After circle time we decided to enjoy the beautiful weather! We had a wonderful picnic at Ohana’s balcony on the third floor. Students watered the plants, played with pebbles and smelled all the beautiful flowers. We also ended up having a quick dance session.
Once we came back to our class the fun continued. The dancing continued with more friends joining in. They danced a banana and whale dance with Kiki. It was awesome to see all the kids laughing and following the movement to their best ability. After dancing, it was time for some free play time. Some students listened to books whist others played with blocks and the number tiles on their own.
It goes without saying Bud’s class had an eventful day! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and see you all next week.
The Mathematicians of Buds Class 2017