Freaky Friday the 13TH

October 13th, 2017

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday the 13th! Or teachers told us that according to folklore Friday the 13th is supposed to bring bad luck. But we weren’t sure what ‘bad luck’ is and decided to make it a Freaky Friday! We learnt that every year Friday the 13th comes at least once and then counted 1 to 13. We even clapped and jumped 13 times.


We made play dough monsters by sticking googly eyes on play dough and scared our teachers by saying ‘boo boo’. Some of our friends worked together to count and matching block puzzle. We also had vehicles and car mat out today on the carpet during free play time and some of our friends were looking for ‘monster truck’. Our teachers were not sure which truck we were talking about and later L showed us a big Lego truck which the children had nicknamed Monster Truck.

We also colored the rice orange in preparation for the Halloween sensorial tub. We took a big ziplock bag and added 2 kgs rice in it and then added some water along with red and yellow food coloring. We learnt that red and yellow makes orange, which is the color for Halloween. We were not sure how we can use it to play and learn, so we asked our teachers and they declared that it was a surprise for next week.



We also saw a flower in our science sensorial tub today and many of us used our magnifying glass to look at each petal of the flower. We also used tweezers to pick up little berries from the soil and place it in a small basket.

To make our Friday freaky, we had a party today and our emotions were all mixed up from being happy and sad at the same time.  We were happy because 4 of our friends were celebrating their birthday in school today and we were sad because one of our friends is leaving Japan and moving to Australia soon. We celebrated 4 friends’ birthdays and Bye-Bye party together.

To celebrate the birthday, Pooja placed a picture of sun in the middle of the class. We discussed that we live in Tokyo, which is in planet earth. Earth takes one year to go around the sun. Hence the children held the earth globe in one hand and went around the sun 3 times (for children who turned 3) or 4 times (for children who turned 4). As they went around the sun, we sang the song

 ‘The earth goes around the sun,

The earth goes around the sun,

The earth goes around the sun

and children turn 1(or 2 or 3 or 4).

After that we played a few party games. Manish, R’s dad set up soda can bowling for us and we used a big ball to knock it down. Ashwini, R’s mummy set up a game in which we had to aim and throw the ball in the basket. Susan and Joshua, A’s mummy and daddy helped us to make Fairy bread. We took a slice of bread and used a cutter to make a round shape. Then we spread margarine on it and placed it in a bowl of sprinkles. When we turned it around, we saw a beautiful rainbow-colored fairy bread. Karin, An’s mummy got yummy cupcakes for us to eat and Eriko, L’s mummy also had some yummy ice cream cupcake treats for us that we had to decorate ourselves. The cupcakes were baked inside ice cream cones and we needed to ice the top to make it look like ice cream. Thank you so much mums and dads for an amazing party, treats and fun games.


After the birthday party, we said ‘Bye Bye’ to A and his mum and dad. Then we presented him with a big Farewell card that also kind of doubles up as a placemat. We will miss you a lot Wilkinson family and wish you the very best in your new endeavor. And thank you on behalf of all of us for gifting us each a lovely book - ‘Possum Magic’ and donating the CD ‘I like to Sing’ to school for his birthday party.

Have a nice weekend everyone and stay dry!


Little party-goers in Petals Class

Ohana International School