Guffy Monster Strikes Again!
Dear Flowers Class mommies and daddies,
Today is the last day of the first month of the year, January. Whoa, it went by so fast, don’t you think? This month, we learnt all about different modes of transport we use to travel. In February, we will overlap it with our new theme of “International Month” and learn about culture, history and geography of various countries. We are looking forward to having mummies and daddies share about their countries in our class. This is a great opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s learning so please do sign up for International Month if you haven’t done so already.
We love Tuesdays because it’s our Phonics day and we get to feed our class pet, Guffy Monster. He loves eating letters and we love feeding him. We fed him all the letters we have learnt so far including s,a,t,i,p,n,c,k,e,r,h,m,d,g,o,u and l. The letter sound of the week is ‘l’ and talked about different things we know that begins with ‘l’ like lemon, ladybug, lollipop, lion, lobster and more. We also sang the ‘l’ song and then wrote ‘l’ in our phonics book. Some of us worked with Darren and learnt that when two same letters are together in a word, then they make only one sound. For example, when ‘gg’ comes together in a word, it makes only one sound ‘g’ as in ‘egg’. We read a few words like these – ill, egg, lock. The children were a bit puzzled when we were reading ‘lock’ but then realized that both the letters ‘c’ and ‘k’ have the same sound and hence when we read it we need to say the sound only once, like ‘l-o-c’.
Darren also read a lovely story as a part of our ‘Values Education’ called ‘Dare to have Courage’. It was such an amazing book and we learnt about having the courage to do what is right even if we must be different. We also talked about standing strong and listening to our conscience. We concluded that we should go after our goals and not just blindly follow our friends. The best part of being an educator is that we learn so much as we are teaching.
In the morning, some of us completed our Chinese New Year art project and its ready now to go into our journal. I am sure you will love the red and gold colors in it. One group looked at different magazines to cut out pictures of things that begins with ‘g’, ‘f’ and ‘b’. We then glued it in different pages of our big Alphabet book. Some of us also used perler beads and put them on different shaped boards like an airplane, a truck and a flower, while others enjoyed making a bracelet by threading the beads. We also had fun pretending to go on picnic and put lots of toy food on the table to share. Some children enjoyed going on the carton box bus and train while others also enjoyed the wooden maze.
After free play time, we packed away and had a short circle time with Pooja when we discussed the right way to walk by touching the heel to the ground first and then the toes. She demonstrated and we followed her one at a time. We have now decided to remind each other to not walk on our tippy toes. Then we had our yummy snacks and went to the park to play.
In the afternoon after our quiet time, one of our friends did a special one off ‘Show and Tell’ for his friends. He had brought a beautiful big shell which he had collected and shared lots of information about it such as where he got it and why he likes it. Thank you for a wonderful presentation!
See you all tomorrow, have a great afternoon!
Darren, Pooja, Pauline and all the children in Flowers Class