Moon rocks and a birthday
We had a wonderful morning celebrating Owen’s third birthday with his mum, Tammy. He was so excited and had a huge smile on his face throughout the morning. When his mum arrived, he was sitting and waiting on the birthday chair at the birthday table. Our teachers took out three cupcakes and put a candle in each of them. Owen was really looking forward to wearing his crown so Miles went to find it and then placed it on his head. Now, we had a real birthday king in our classroom. We counted three in English, Japanese, Spanish, Hebrew, Tagalog and Hindi (we were not sure if the words were true to counting in Hindi) Then we looked really carefully at Owen’s face and saw his happiness shining through so we stood up and held hands in a circle and sang “When you’re happy and you know it”. We chose to clap our hands, kick our legs, stamp our feet, shout happy birthday and whisper happy birthday. Then we sat down and sang “Owen is three years old today” and “How old are you now?” At the very end, we lit the candles, switched off the lights and counted to three in Japanese. Owen gave three large puffs and blew all of his candles out. We sang “Happy birthday to you” in English and Japanese. The final thing that we usually always do at a birthday party for our friends in Petals Class, is give them a gift/card. This year we made a picture to go inside a frame for our birthday celebrants to keep. Owen loved his and had a photo with his mum, holding it.
We think that his mum, Tammy and him, were both so happy to celebrate his third birthday with us at school. You can see how happy they were from their smiling faces. Tammy made us delicious egg free cupcakes and on top of the frosting was a candy Lego piece. It was a Lego piece that we could eat. There were blue, green, yellow and one red Lego piece on the cupcakes. At the end of the day, we looked at the amazing Fire Truck book that Owen gave to us for our library, in honour of his 3rd birthday. Thank you Owen and Tammy for the fabulous cupcakes and the amazing book. Some of the things in the book come out of the book and when you put them back, it is almost like a puzzle.
The other special event that we had today, was our second SHOW and TELL and it was Charlie’s turn. Charlie said that we needed to make the room dark for his SHOW and TELL. He told us that he brought along some rocks. They were moon rocks and together with his moon rocks he brought a viewer that his dad made for us all to look into. Charlie told us to put the rocks in the light and then we will see magic. The rocks were sort of white in colour and also with no colour, almost transparent, to start and when you put them near light for a while, this is what happens.
If you look really carefully you will see that they became green. Griffin told us that they were cryptonite! We all looked through the viewer and some of us
Hooked in Hisami’s hands, because she cupped them closed to keep the rocks in the dark, and we could see that they were green. They were the same colour when we looked through the viewer. When it was question time, we asked Charlie: “Where did they come from?” and Charlie replied: “From my room. I went to bed and they were in my room”. There is of course a scientific explanation as to why they turned green when exposed to light and looked at in the dark however we were happy with Charlie’s explanations and our comments from our friends.
During the early part of our day at school, we played with our new play dough which is so exquisite to the touch. It is soft and pliable and stays soft even when you play with it, with the heater on. We think that this may be the perfect play dough recipe for winter. We strengthened our fingers using pegs and cups and squeezed the pegs to fit onto the rim of the coloured cups and we completed Scarlett’s birthday picture which we have added to her “care package” that we will send tomorrow.
Thanks for a fun day at school. Love from all the children in Petals Class.