Taiko Drumming with Moko Sensei
This morning we were very excited as many of us knew that later in the morning we would be taking part in our first Taiko drumming session with Moko Sensei. On the big table we saw the junk art materials and lots of tape, scissors and colored markers. Several of us decided to go small today and make ‘magic sticks’ which the teachers said were called “wands”. We also saw several jigsaw puzzles which we started yesterday ready to be finished. The puzzles on the table were fire station puzzles while the others were alphabet and skeleton floor puzzles which we worked together to complete. Also on the carpet the play shop was very popular with many of us using the play money, cash register and coins to buy fruit and vegetables. We put lots of the toy food items into plastic bags to take them home. On the main table we saw a game with red and black counters and a vertical lattice section. The game was called Connect 4 and although some of us didn’t know how to play it we learnt quickly and then showed our friends too. In the library area Pooja played with us and told us the story of the 3 little pigs and we managed to repeat many of the words to her. We all needed to run away when the big bad wolf blew the house in. After packing away the toys we all practiced our Ohana song lines. We are singing very nicely now and with only a few prompts we can sing most of it. We are going to sing the song at the Ohana sports day so we would like to practice it every day if we can. After eating our snacks we changed into our Ohana t-shirts ready to go to the Taiko performance. It was very steamy and hot outside when we left and managed to walk all the way up the hill to the hall. Several of our mommies were there waiting for us and we went into the hall to see Moko Sensei. The taiko drums were all set up in a big circle ready for us. We listened carefully to Moko Sensei’s instructions and had a great time banging on the drums, the edges and dancing around the drums. It was a little difficult at first but Moko Sensei took it slow and made it really clear for all of us. We were lucky enough to see a wonderful performance with 4 drummers and Moko Sensei playing nice and loud. Thank you Moko Sensei and all the other mommies make our taiko drumming event so special.
Flowers Class Children