November 14 - Mirror, mirror
Good morning everyone! What a happy Monday! We’re so excited to see our friends and teachers again. Nemo, a new teacher, was here to play with the cars and trucks. We had our mixed media art and we had some interesting art materials to use in our classroom. We had the feathers, Popsicle sticks and some shredded pieces of paper to stick on. We used the white glue and spread it on our paper with our paintbrush. We then got a handful of shredded colored paper and put them on the glued part. We stamped and stamped until it became more stable. On the other table, we had our play dough and our teachers told us to make some ice cream and cake for our friends. We cut and pounded on our play dough. The texture was quite nice and smooth. At the same time, we felt that it was cold.
During our circle time, we sang songs with our friends and teachers. We also welcomed Nemo because he’s new and he also told us that his name is like the fish from “Finding Nemo”. It was also nice to sing “Hello, everybody” because we always love to call our friends’ names. After our good singing time, John brought out a mirror. He asked us, “What do you see in the mirror?” One friend of us said, “a banana”. Our teachers told us more follow-up statements like, “I can see my eyes, ears, mouth and nose”. Then, we realized that we could see our faces in the mirror. We could see our reflection. When we moved our hands, open our mouth and blinked our eyes, our reflection always followed our movements. It was a good chance for all of us to practice our observation skills. After that, we sang, “Here we go ‘round the mulberry bush”. Next, we all lined up and went up the stairs to have our gym class.
We greeted our teacher with a big “good morning”. We did our warm-up exercises like stretching and jumping here and there. Our challenging task for today was tumbling over. We asked our teachers to help us out by holding our tummy (core muscles) and lifting it up until we rolled over. We did it twice and we enjoyed doing these exercises. We also did the “Who’s there?” game. Miyashita-sensei pretended to knock on the door and we had to ask, “Who is it?” and if he said, “I’m the ghost!” We had to run to the other side of room as fast as we could. By the way, he instructed us in Japanese the whole session.
Before park time, we read the very hungry caterpillar with a puppet. It was very interesting. We were all sitting down and listening very attentively. We also went to the park and saw the Petals class there.
After park, we all settled down and Sayaka read about “Papa, take me to the moon”. Thank you, Sayaka for taking time reading a story for us.
Lots of love,
All the fantastic children from Buds class 2016-2017