Of Rockstars and Firefighters

Good morning! We did our morning jobs nicely today because our teachers gave a little help for us. After doing that, we went straight to our table areas just to discover some jigsaw puzzles.  We’re very interested because we’re seeing a lot of transportation pictures on it. We also did some tissue staining art as well for our special calendar art. If we finished this project, we’re going to submit this to the office and they send it to the company for printing.

We also played with our newly made fire truck in the classroom. This was our art activity last week and now we could actually move it around the classroom like a fire fighter. It even has a fire hose that we could hold onto while putting out the fire.  Also, one of our classmates brought his police officer costume so some of us put on their spider man costume too. Imaginative and pretend play are always part of our routine in the classroom and we loved it! We also got our new toy guitar so that everyone can have a turn in playing music during our play. We pretended that we’re making music while singing songs with our friends and teachers.

John took out the doll house toys and took out some furniture. We all got our time in pretending that we’re arranging our own house together with our family. We saw the washing machine, sofa, crib, television and many more. There were also some picture books and life books that we enjoyed during the day and it was nice to show some of our pictures of our family.

After our free play time we then made our circle and started taking out the different musical instruments. We also loved to make lots of sounds during our music time. We had our recorder, castanets, drums, scraper, rattles and jingle bells. It was a lovely sight to see everyone participating in our music time. One of us led the singing and he requested to sing and play with the ukulele. It was a beautiful morning in our classroom again.

We went to the park and brought our sand box toys. It was amazing how we could dig a hole all by ourselves. It was a good practice for our gross and fine motor skills. We tried to make a mountain and made sure that we showed our teachers how well we did one for our class. Flowers and Petals were also at the park and there was a wonderful time playing with one another. Some of us have brothers and sisters in other classes so it was amazing how everyone was able to play together like a big happy family at Ohana International School.

We arrived at school and practiced putting on our helmets for our fire and earthquake drill in our classroom. We are still learning how to put them on but of course our teachers are always there to help and guide us all the way. Thank you so much for today and have a great day!

Lots of love,

All the awesome children from Buds class 2016-2017



Ohana International School